Webinar on ‘A Highly Sensitive Child’
On 16.06 experts of E-MOTION project Phd Monika Baryła-Matejczuk and Phd Małgorzata Artymiak led the first online meeting about highly sensitive child.
On 16.06 experts of E-MOTION project Phd Monika Baryła-Matejczuk and Phd Małgorzata Artymiak led the first online meeting about highly sensitive child.
An important part of our project, E-motion – potential of highly sensitivity, is to spread knowledge about sensitivity. We had the privilege that the person we interviewed for Podcast was a well-known journalist, director of TV, writer, singer in the city of Debar, but also beyond.
An important part of our project, E-motion – potential of highly sensitivity, is to spread knowledge about sensitivity. We had the privilege that the person we interviewed for Podcast was a well-known journalist in the city of Debar, but also beyond
Vi invitiamo ad ascoltare il programma radiofonico dedicato al primo seminario in Polonia dedicato all’alta sensibilità…
VI INVITIAMO A PARTECIPARE AL primo seminario in Polonia che avrà luogo il 04.10.2019 dalle 9.00 presso l’Università di Economia e Innovazione, ul. Projektowa 4, Lublin.
Un’altra trasmissione radiofonica dedicata all’Alta Sensibilità…
Discliamer: Questo progetto è realizzato con il supporto dell’Unione Europea (progetto n: 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051033). Questa pubblicazione riflette esclusivamente il punto di vista dell’autore e la Commissione non è responsabile dell’uso che può essere fatto delle informazioni contenute nella pagina web.
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