High Sensitivity Week in the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin!
We kindly invite all interested in the topic of high sensitivity to participate in High Sensitivity Week, titled „BUILDING OF
We kindly invite all interested in the topic of high sensitivity to participate in High Sensitivity Week, titled „BUILDING OF
The final conference of the “E-motion. Potential of highly sensitivity” (no. 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051033) will take place on 16 of July 2021
The E-MOTION consortium would like to invite all interested parties: Kindergarten and Primary School Governing Authorities, the Heads of Kindergartens
The E-MOTION partnership is looking for the participants of the short-term joint staff training event for pre-school, primary school teachers,
LEARNING EXCHANGE HSP Day 2020 5 – 6 Października 2020
Webinar „Highly sensitive child. Model of support in school/preschool environment”
On 29-30 January 2020, the 3rd project meeting was organized in Tenerife by the University of La Laguna
There are two days of intensive work on a support model for highly sensitive pre-school and early school age children behind us.
Rome was the place of the second meeting with the new project partners
On November 12-13 in Lublin, in the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, the first meeting of the E-MOTION project took place
The E-MOTION project is made up of people – experts from six European institutions. Their work allows to realize a socially important goal, supporting highly sensitive children
Project leader
The University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin is the largest non-public university in eastern Poland, known for its practical approach for the profession and extensive cooperation with enterprises.
Project partner
The University of Alicante (UA) was founded in 1979. Currently, it educates and trains over 25,000 students – of which 2,500 are foreign students – offering over 80 undergraduate and 96 postgraduate programs.
Project partner
The University of La Laguna, the oldest in the Canary Islands, has over 200 years of history and is an institution open to the world.
Project partner
The metropolitan capital of Rome, with over 4.3 million inhabitants, is the largest metropolitan city in Italy.
Project partner
Expert Psy – an association founded in 2014, whose aim is to support and promote the development of psychology as a science and profession, and to increase the professionalism of psychologists.
Project partner
The municipal kindergarten “Breshia” is a public institution subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of North Macedonia, established in 1969. Currently, is hosting over 400 students within 3 kindergartens in the city of Debar
Perhaps you have already been in a situation when your child’s relatives, family, teachers or guardians have called it shy, too emotional, too fragile, anxious
High sensitivity, a term introduced in the specialty literature by the psychotherapist researcher Elaine Aron, represents an innate trait, encountered in 15-20% of the population
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no: 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051033). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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