LEARNING EXCHANGE HSP Day 2020 – E-motion, potential of high sensitivity

Information about an event

On the first-ever International HSP Day, free online workshops on:

  • Building child-friendly and healthy cities: lesson learnt and current challenges
  • The importance of the environment for the well-being of sensitive children
  • Presentation of the nationwide testing tool for measuring sensitivity for parents and teachers of children aged 3-10 years
  • How parents and teachers can help their sensitive children and students navigate their feelings during school re-openings
  • Highly sensitive child. Model of support in school/preschool environment
  • Happy sensitive ME – Mindfulness and mindful movement programme for children, parents and teachers (Wear comfortable clothes to practice)

Hosted by the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, the event is the culmination of many minds, many perspectives, and many areas of expertise.
As the field’s action-inspiring and partnership-building event, the 2020 E-motion Learning Exchange is for teachers, parents, educators, school leaders, psychologists, speech and occupational therapists, health and social professionals and everyone who is committed to improving the way we design, implement, support, and research effective and supportive learning and educational experiences for highly sensitive children.

Registration benefits:

  • Collaborative spaces to ask questions and share ideas and experience with innovative practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and schools
  • Simultaneous interpretation in 5 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Romanian)
  • Participating in experiential activities, engaging in practical sessions on mindfulness, mindful movement and somatic education
  • Stimulating opportunities to learning how to apply gained skills, methods and activities in practical ways in everyday practice and life
  • Access to all event contents and videos

Working language: English, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish

Registration forms: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/HSP_Day

Registration deadline: 3rd October 2020

For further information, contact:

Conference secretariat: sivale@cittametropolitanaroma.gov.it
Project coordination: e-motion@highlysensitive.eu

For media inquiries, contact:

Fabiana Ferri: f.ferri@capitalelavoro.it

Download full programme: