A Highly Sensitive Child: a gift and a challenge for a parent
Perhaps you have already been in a situation when your child’s relatives, family, teachers or guardians have called it shy, too emotional, too fragile, anxious
Perhaps you have already been in a situation when your child’s relatives, family, teachers or guardians have called it shy, too emotional, too fragile, anxious
High sensitivity, a term introduced in the specialty literature by the psychotherapist researcher Elaine Aron, represents an innate trait, encountered in 15-20% of the population
Humans and other animals deal to the environment around them by developing two response strategies: “pause and acting”, or “approaching quickly”. This response depends on
Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) describes differences in environmental sensitivity between people, both positive and negative ones. In positive environmental contexts, highly sensitive persons tend to
Што е Висока чувствителност Високо чувствителното дете е едно од 15-20% од децата родени со нервен систем кој е многу свесен и брз да реагира
Introduction The subject of sensitivity is described in the psychological literature in different ways. Developmental psychology emphasizes child sensitivity first and foremost as readiness or
Defining the concept High sensitivity, introduced in the academic literature as Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) (Aron & Aron, 1997) is an innate trait that approximately
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