Why the educational methods tested on siblings do not work for a highly sensitive child ?

Why the educational methods tested on siblings do not work for a highly sensitive child ?

What often prompts parents to become interested in the specificity of high sensitivity is the ineffectiveness of proven parenting methods. While punishments, rewards, time limitations were effective for the remaining children, they seem ineffective for a highly sensitive child. Parents try to use proven methods and do not understand why it gives very little success.


With regard to highly sensitive children, methods based on a system of punishments and rewards, introducing restrictions and rigid rules, including creating time pressure, usually do not work. Quite the opposite, the more parents try to “discipline” the child, the more resisting the child is, and his/her behavior not only does not improve but, for reasons that they do not understand, deteriorate.

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  1. What role does empathy play in parenting a highly sensitive child, and how does it differ from parenting non-sensitive children?

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