Webinar on ‘A Highly Sensitive Child’
On 16.06 experts of E-MOTION project Phd Monika Baryła-Matejczuk and Phd Małgorzata Artymiak led the first online meeting about highly sensitive child.
On 16.06 experts of E-MOTION project Phd Monika Baryła-Matejczuk and Phd Małgorzata Artymiak led the first online meeting about highly sensitive child.
An important part of our project, E-motion – potential of highly sensitivity, is to spread knowledge about sensitivity. We had the privilege that the person we interviewed for Podcast was a well-known journalist, director of TV, writer, singer in the city of Debar, but also beyond.
An important part of our project, E-motion – potential of highly sensitivity, is to spread knowledge about sensitivity. We had the privilege that the person we interviewed for Podcast was a well-known journalist in the city of Debar, but also beyond
We invite you to listen to the radio program devoted to the first in Poland seminar on high sensitivity…
We invite you to particiapte in The first in Poland seminar which will take place on 04.10.2019 from 9.00 at the University of Economics and Innovation, ul. Projektowa 4, Lublin.
Another radio broadcast devoted to High Sensitivity was held…
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no: 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051033). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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