E-MOTION – potential of high sensitivity – international training – OPEN CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS

Информации за настанот

The E-MOTION partnership is looking for the participants of the short-term joint staff training event for pre-school, primary school teachers, psychologists, experts in pedagogy, therapists, teacher’s supervisors, academic level experts in psychology and pedagogy and teacher trainers.


The aim of the activity is to discuss, evaluate and define possible way of the use of the tool by stakeholders and organisations responsible for early child education.

Training is aimed at people who have an impact on the content provided in schools and have the opportunity to implement the model and use the presented materials in everyday practice.

The University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin as an organisator will provide certificates confirming participation in the training for people participating in all training blocks.


The event will be hosted online. It will take place on 25-26.05.2021 and 01-02.06.2021, between 9:00–13:30. Registered participants will get a link with the access to the training.


Participants of the training will gain:

  • the knowledge of high sensitivity (sensitivity of sensory processing and environmental sensitivity)
  • the knowledge about the functioning of highly sensitive children in the school and home environment
  • the ability to use the sensitivity identification tool
  • the ability to support highly sensitive children and create conditions for their proper development
  • the competences of conscious work for the development of children, especially highly sensitive children, both in the peer group and individually
  • the competences in using tools and methods to support families, teachers of highly sensitive children



  • University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin
  • Universidad de Alicante
  • Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
  • JOUDG “Breshia”
  • Expert Psy Asociatia Psihologilor Specialisti
  • Universidad de la Laguna


The registration is opened till 20.05.2021.
In order to register please fill in the data required in online form:
